most uncool update ever

I don’t have any fun pictures. I don’t have anything very clever to say. I just feel like a big loser (and not in a good way) for not posting for so long. What has happened to me? I would use the excuse that I am a busy mom of seven now, but we all know that we can find time for what we love. And I LOVE blogging so what is my problem? Why am I a loser blogger lately?

It is not for lack of content!

I have a four year old that peed on her 10 year old sister’s bed the other day during nap time. Why didn’t she pee in the toilet, or on the floor, or even on her own bed? Why Ezzy’s bed? Oh, because she was mad at me for putting her down for a nap while Ezzy stayed up and had mommy time. Oh yeah! And after a day of isolation, she finally gave up the truth, which I knew all along…once again proving my theory that we expect way too little from our munchkins these days. She knew exactly what she was doing, and could remember the reason a whole day later.

Annie’s current favorites–“stuck like glue,” building cakes out of legos, and telling me that she “needs some love!”

I have a five year old that has gone from being completely non-verbal to motoring a million words a minute. Bri Bear has a long way to go in expressiveness and identifying emotions, but he has come soooo far. My friend looked at me the other day at Friday Brunch and said “is that your kid? are you sure?” because he was talking so much. He HAS a voice now. Awesome. We just got him qualified for some OT stuff, which is great. He needs a little extra push to help with some of his motor skills. Dream Therapies is literally around the corner from our new house. They provide Hippotherapy so he’ll get to ride horses too. Actually, all three of the Littles have qualified for programs there. So they will all get horsy rides. 🙂

Bri’s current favorites– “i love to see the temple,” memorizing easy books and repeating them to me, and practicing on his bike.

I have a toothless seven year old who is loving school. He is reading on grade level now, and trying really hard to engage in the family. We have started weekly psych sessions to help Joey express some of his buried feelings. His behavior is over-the-top passive aggressive so we are working on learning how to communicate and engage with people directly. The psychologist is also helping him identify emotions and practice them. I feel really good about the different therapies we are trying. We didn’t have a lot of available resources when we adopted the ninos because everything cost so much out of pocket. But the state does a great job at providing resources for the children. We are trying to take advantage of those opportunities before the kids are officially “ours!”

Joey’s current favorites–“itsy bitsy spider,” reading reading reading, riding his scooter.


  1. I have one in isolation right now. She’ll be there until she can tell me why she’s there (and I know she knows why…). Hang in there mama, never a dull moment is there?

  2. I’m amazed by the McCracken family! These kids have got to be learning and adjusting daily. Love the growth.

    p.s. You and Adam are my heroes (for lots of reasons).

    p.s.s. I was expecting a post about taxes, but this is much more interesting.

  3. Hello, I have just recently come across both of your blogs. Your blog was the first I found on adoption from Columbia. My husband and daughters want to adopt from Columbia. We have weighed out all the options and feel directed and inspired about Columbia. That being said I wanted to know how you felt about your agency. We were thinking of a sibling group of 3 however the agency we are currently looking at requires 3 adult family members to go for the entire month stay (including mom and dad of course) I don’t know how this will be possible for us. Did you have a ‘helper’ come along with you when you picked up your four kids? Also, please tell me what on Earth do you do with the kids for a whole month in a country where you have to be very careful about where you go? If you don’t mind and you can squeak out the time please reply privately. Thanks!!

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