For those cyber friends who follow this blog and for newbies searching for an adoption story…..we are currently posting on our family site: Our full adoption story and archives, however, remain here. Please feel free to use this site as a tool in your personal search for information, answers, and comfort!
It is more difficult for me to write a goodbye on this post. I mean, you *adoption site* have been my buddy, my confidant, and my venting post for over a year now. When I couldn’t sleep or I couldn’t believe the words that had come out of someone’s mouth you were there for me to scribble on. And when we held our children for the very first time in Bogota, you allowed us to share it with the world. WOW–I’m totally crying right now.
And, who knows when we’ll be ready to start the adoption process all over again. But when we do, the journey will be housed here. 🙂