Aside from immunizations and learning the ropes of their new home, the kids also got to know family and friends their first week in Las Vegas. We went swimming at the Brummett’s home. The kids had a total blast, and now they call Valerie, Tia La Pisina. Our first Sunday went well. We wondered how the kids would react to church in English. They were really good, and every Sunday gets easier and easier. Going to school was an experience–but you’ve already been informed of the lice trauma we encountered. The few pics below that are not of the pool date are of our attempt to register the children at school. Hopefully, you will find as much joy and hilarity as we do when we view the video below. It sums up the crazy wonderful discovery of childhood that now gratefully fills our home. (I promise, even if you are kidless…it is really funny!)
And this concludes our journey to Bogota and back. You can continue to peek into our everyday lives as a family at: However, I plan to continue posting adoption and fertility related posts here. There is so much to say. So much to learn. So much to share. And I am grateful for the open forum this blog has created for me to do so with friends, family and others. I know that our journey as a family has just begun. I know my fertility woes are not over. I am grateful that I can share all of it here. Thanks for being a part of our lives!!!
That is the best video EVER!! Ha, how can you not love whompy!? Caretr was inthe other room and came running in saying I want to see Columbia! He then started begging to go to your house!
Good job you guys, you are really doing it! Looks like you are having fun. We can’t wait to see you soon. We are in the Dominican Republic right now and having a blast. Love, Jaimee and Brian
Ha! I was laughing at that one. The cutest part is that that little JP was laughing to genuinely! That was too funny. Those cute little kids.
You are right, that is hilarious! I am amazed at how brave Ezzy is. Swimming lessons on the docket? I hope so.
Thanks for sharing your story with the world.
Can they get any more adorable?!?! I think not!