419422Dozens of hours and hundreds of dollars in paperwork later, our Dossier is off to Colombia. Well, it’s actually on it’s way to Florida where our government application will be translated. So it should arrive in Bogota in a week or so. These pictures are in front of the Utah Capitol Building. We went down on Friday morning to get some documents authenticated. We were planning on turning the documents in and getting them in the mail next week since we’re still waiting for immigration approval. Instead, we found out in the car on our way there that if we expedited the process, our caseworker, Raul, would send our dossier to Colombia w/o the approval. Normally, they would wait and send it all together because the wait is so far off for families. Ours is a ‘special’ case though so we’re off and running. Needless to say, Friday turned out to be a little more hectic, and a lot more expensive, than we were planning. But it was worth it…and now we’re officially back in the waiting phase. It’s actually kind of a relief as we gear up to meet the little ones.
Keep your fingers and crossed that we will get our travel appointment within the month. The fastest we would get approval is three weeks…so we’re hoping for four. That should give us enough time to secure our travel visas and plane reservation to leave directly after Memorial Day! This is our hope and our prayer. 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Way to go mom & dad! Weird to hear that huh!!!
Hi Rachel, this is Lisa Wilson, Jaime’s sister. I love reading your adoption blog. It is really inspirational. I can’t believe that you are adopting a family of four. How courageous! Thanks for being so great to my sister!
Eeeeekkkk!!!! That is just around the corner and going to be so awesome. I totally got butterflies in my tummy reading that post.
Here’s to hoping that the travel date arrives this month and the actual traveling happens AFTER Memorial Day! 🙂 So excited. And how sweet of Lisa to leave a comment.