Part of our dance party–video coming soon. 🙂
Bye bye grandma and grandpa–the kids ask about you every day. They also call Tio Brian “abuelito” because they were so used to you being here.
Wompy’s other nicname is el bano because he is sooooo stinky. And he thinks it’s hilarious. How fitting that he found this toilet in one of the exhibits at Maloka.
I’m not sure why, but this picture makes me very happy when I look at it. I guess it’s because I’ve always been a mother hen with no chicks to push along–and now I have them.
Sounds like y’all have had a fun few days. I am so glad the kids are starting to get excited about coming home! I am glad Tio Brian is able to be there for you and help out what a good BIL way above the call of duty! We love ya Brian! I love seeing pics they make me smile everytime keep um comin…
That pic of Wompy by the toilet is going to be something you smile and reminisce about for the rest of his life. Wonder how long it will take him to flush a superheroe action figure down the toilet and clog it up completely. So much to look forward to… 🙂