So we are home from Colombia, and we have so much to share with everyone. But it will have to wait another day or two. Why? Oh, yeah because the children’s first day of school, yesterday, found them home with mommy not even 15 minutes after leaving the school!!! LICE! Yuck! I have mounds of laundry downstairs and four sleeping children who are covered in baby oil to suffocate the little buggers. The thing is is that grandma, daddy, mommy, and others brushed and bathed the children for weeks and never found a thing. And actually, Esmeralda is the only one who actually had anything in her hair when I did the treatments–poor baby. Nevertheless, I had to treat all four, which I finished at about 11:00 p.m. Thankfully, Adam helped get the beds made and vacuumed the floor for me.
The children can go back to school tomorrow. So far, Adam and I have no signs. I had Adam buzz the boys’ heads, which made it so much easier for me. And they are absolutely breathtaking. I know I could not make babies that beautiful. Adam almost buzzed his as well, but then he chickened out. Luckily, my neighbor and church friend stopped over last night. She made me feel much better by saying that her little girl has had it forĀ a month…they are still battling it even after cutting her hair and multiple treatments.
Anyway, we have all our pictures downloaded. We are just in the process of re-sizing and uploading everything to our gallery. We have homecoming video and tons of photos to show off. The children should be able to go back to school on Thursday although the girls start track break on Monday–totally lame. At least Danny will get to go until Thanksgiving. He pouted all day about not being able to stay at school. He already adores his teacher!
I am sorry about the lice! That is so good that they love school! They are so gorgeous! We are glad that you are back.
Welcome home!! I can’t wait to see pictures!!!
Ha! Welcome to parenthood. You guys are getting initiated pretty quick.
Hey Sis–
Wow when it rains it poors right!!! I love that they like school already that’s great! Hope your homecoming was awesome and we really miss you guys…
Oh…I am so sorry. We have somehow managed to escape lice…my kids asked today if Rachel was home yet. They miss seeing the pictures of the kids.
Dan says “come on Adam” regarding the chickening out of buzzed his head. But he quickly decided it was because Adam wouldn’t be able to keep his lambchops. But I think a buzzed head and lambchops could be the next big look! And where are the photos of these beautiful children? I too know I would never be able to make babies as beautiful as my Georgie.
Oh boy…yes,…we have been through a lice situation a couple of years ago. It’s not fun, but with a lot of vacuuming, laundry in hot water, and checking, it’s do-able. Totally gross, but you’ve got it under control! It never spread to any other children and we never got it either. Pray for that!
Adam and Rachel, Thank you so much for providing this great insight into the adoption process, and for being so honest. My husband and I are in paperwork pregnancy stages. We have two biological boys, and feel so strongly that our daughter is in Colombia. Reading your blog helps me be a bit more patient with the process. I found myself looking at the pictures of the children in the orphanages, wondering if our daughter was there too. Also, I was looking at your friends blogs as well, and was delighted to find that some of them are from Bear Lake (I grew up on the Idaho side). That, along with the fact that we’re LDS too, makes me feel even more strangely connected. (Yeah, now I sound psycho, I know). Good luck and best wishes with your new family! You seem to be doing a great job.
So glad that you guys are home safe and sound. I would think that after all you have been through, lice would be a minor setback. Deb has kept us up to date on what has been going on.
God bless you both in your efforts to become the great parents that we believe you will be.
Brian and Diane
(The Wyoming Chapmans)
Oh man I just found the pictured of your new family. They are soooo cute!!. Little dolls all of them.
You will really have your hands full, but the rewards will be well worth it.
oh boy honey how your mother knows what you’re going through. I too had to scrub 4 childrens heads and do mounds of laundry. Just hope your kids don’t bring other bugs home like some of my children did. just wait chicken pox could be next on the list. And you know how fun that is. Just dont plan any camping trips or you might be sleeping in the car like your dad did with your brother. hang in there kid, your doing great and I still see you smiling and thats what makes me grin from ear to ear. love you mucho much!
WOW WOW WOW I hope it is under control! Sounds like you are doing everything you are supposed to be good luck sweety!