Okay, first thing’s first, we have made it to nine weeks of pregnancy. Yay! We had our final ultrasound before our big move, yesterday. Doctor Fisch couldn’t be more pleased with our progress. HB of 177, measuring in range, yolk sac not too small this time, umbilical cord visible, and we even saw fetal movement. Uh-Mazing!
Tonight is my last night of hormonal support. I will stay on Thyroxin and the prenatal, but no more blood thinner, estrogen, or progesterone. I am slightly nervous to go off of it. But baby is doing great so there is really no need at this point. I have no known clotting disorders or hormonal deficiencies…they were precautionary, anyway. So, we will see! Doctor would normally take me out to 12 weeks, if we were staying here, but we are not so I am on the hunt for a great doctor in Yakima.
As for the foster babies…they have moved into another adoptive placement. The night we brought the kiddos home, I had a terrible bleeding episode accompanied by horrific cramping. Adam and I sat in the bathroom crying, sure that we were miscarrying. So we went in the next day for an almost seven week ultrasound…fully expecting bad news. Doc even expected he would be giving us that bad news. However, miracles happen, and there was a little tiny thing in there with a healthy heartbeat. No known reason for the bleeding etc….except the stress I had been under with packing and getting ready for the new little ones. I was ordered to stay down as much as possible, which is simply not going to happen with so many little ones who needed my care.
I had also been terribly nauseous and sick from the pregnancy (first time for that too). I knew from the moment I left the doctor that I would probably have to say goodbye to the foster kiddos. The problem was that I didn’t want to. I mean, who lets go of a legally free for adoption sibling group of so many little ones. It is not in my nature. Or in Adam’s! After much pondering, prayer, and thought, I knew I needed to do it. Even if this pregnancy failed, we have another shot. And I was over my limit on what I could give during this time. Adam was devastated. I was sick to my stomach over it….but as soon as the decision was made and a new placement found, I felt an enormous amount of relief and peace wash over me. It was the right and best thing for everyone.
Here’s the amazing part: we thought for sure the kids would be placed into foster care while an adoptive resource was found. But within three days…a family popped up with open beds who has been waiting for two years for an adoptive placement. They are also the same religion as we are (which meant a lot considering we thought of the kids as ours, you know!). So Kristin, the new mommy, and I were able to transfer the kids from my house to hers. We can have as much contact as we want with the kiddos, and they get to stay together. The little girls were transferred last Friday, and sweet adorable baby K was just transferred on Tuesday. I will forever treasure the two weeks I was blessed to be his mommy. He brought light into my life, and joy to the children. He reminded us why we are trying to have a baby. It was painful to let him go, but not as difficult as when we lost Gaven because it was our choice, and he gets to be raised with his sisters in an excellent home.
The kids’ caseworker was disappointed at first, of course. But looking back she is grateful we took the kids when we did. She and I both believe it all happened how it did so we could get all of the kids together and out of the not so good homes they were in…while Kristin’s home was being prepared.
A BIG SHOUT OUT to my dad. He came down for the week while I was on bed rest and took care of the little girls so that Adam could go to work. He cooked, cleaned, changed diapers, played, rocked, etc….he was quite literally the foster babies’ dad and mom. It was difficult for him to let them go, even though he knew it was right. I know exactly how he felt, and so I am extra grateful for his sacrifice of love and service on our behalf. He even packed a couple of rooms for me….and made me lay on the couch the entire time. Dad literally save this pregnancy. I KNOW he did.
Needless to say, it has been a crazy two weeks, but everything has worked out for everyone. God’s hand has been on and in this home…tangibly moving and healing us through a most difficult time. We are so blessed. And so grateful to once again be small instruments in helping little ones who cannot help themselves. No regrets!!
I’ve been on pins and needles waiting for an update! I’m so happy to hear your pregnancy is healthy! What a blessing! I completely understand how hard it is to let a foster child go. We had to do that too, except it was only one baby boy and not 4 children. You’ll always have them in your heart.
WOW! What an experience. I’m so grateful that things have worked out and that there was a new home available! Praying that everything continues to go well with your pregnancy!
Aawww Rachel. You are on my prayer list. Love from Aunt Deb
What a great post for such a hard situation. Our Father in Heaven is certainly aware of each of our situations (yours, the 4 little ones, Kristen’s, everyones). Isn’t it amazing how he can use us to do great things when we are willing. Love you, and so glad you are headed to Washington!!!!
Wow. What an amazing journey you are on. Lots of love and prayers headed your way!