I wanted to try and have another baby. I mean, is that really so bad? Shutting the door makes so much sense. For so many reasons. And yet, I can’t stop thinking about it. All. The. Time.
Category: IVF
the weight of the wait
I am currently waiting. Waiting to miscarry our last hope for another baby. These are the worst kinds of wait. I have experienced them before. The wait for something horrible to happen that one knows is coming, over which you have absolutely no control. But this time, with this wait, there is an extra heaving… Continue reading the weight of the wait
another turn on the merry-go-round
December 15th, 2014. Yep, that’s the day. The day we are going to try for another baby! We have two frozen embryos left and we have no idea if there are any genetic issues with either. Out of the last four implanted embryos, one has been viable–sweet Baby Hannah. Put into a percentage, my chance… Continue reading another turn on the merry-go-round
when does hannah get to come home?
There are two major hurdles left that Hannah still has to clear before coming home. First, she has to be Apnea free for a certain amount of time. Although her episodes are rare, they still happen. She just had one last night. She is so little that she still forgets to breath sometimes. Most of… Continue reading when does hannah get to come home?
Hannah’s First Week
A summary of Hannah’s first week in the NICU has been posted to our family blog.
seven to eleven to maybe eight
Okay, first thing’s first, we have made it to nine weeks of pregnancy. Yay! We had our final ultrasound before our big move, yesterday. Doctor Fisch couldn’t be more pleased with our progress. HB of 177, measuring in range, yolk sac not too small this time, umbilical cord visible, and we even saw fetal movement.… Continue reading seven to eleven to maybe eight
baby hope….in more than one way
8dpt= 53 14dpt=536 Our numbers are more than doubling… Doc thinks it’s one. So do I. Ultrasound= 8 March (Friday)…at seven weeks. —————————————- In other news. We’re meeting a sibling group of three little girls today. They are legally free for adoption, and have kind of fallen into our laps. We know there is one… Continue reading baby hope….in more than one way
and the number is…
22. Higher than our first beta last time. That’s good! We’ll see what Thursday’s number holds. Possibly two babies…but probably just one good one. 🙂
here we go
off to the clinic. embryos three and four better be the ones….cause my butt is already protruding with nasty oil welts. Yes, I am permanently attached this go around to the heating pad. It is quite comical. I hate progesterone! 🙂 I am anxious to hear how the thaw went, and how many baby blasts… Continue reading here we go
with excitement! I am not nervous this go around. Just anxious and excited. I guess that is because I know what to expect. And if we didn’t have any hope, we wouldn’t be going forward. So I am just excited. What will be will be. We will take it as it comes. Hoping two little… Continue reading bursting…