I wanted to try and have another baby. I mean, is that really so bad? Shutting the door makes so much sense. For so many reasons. And yet, I can’t stop thinking about it. All. The. Time.
Tag: pregnancy
the weight of the wait
I am currently waiting. Waiting to miscarry our last hope for another baby. These are the worst kinds of wait. I have experienced them before. The wait for something horrible to happen that one knows is coming, over which you have absolutely no control. But this time, with this wait, there is an extra heaving… Continue reading the weight of the wait
29 weeks and all is (kind of not) well
I cannot believe we have made it this far. Feeling the baby move inside of me, and seeing her move on the gazillion ultrasounds I have had is more than Adam or I ever hoped for when we started fertility treatments last summer. No matter how the next 10 weeks play out, we feel truly… Continue reading 29 weeks and all is (kind of not) well
baby hope….in more than one way
8dpt= 53 14dpt=536 Our numbers are more than doubling… Doc thinks it’s one. So do I. Ultrasound= 8 March (Friday)…at seven weeks. —————————————- In other news. We’re meeting a sibling group of three little girls today. They are legally free for adoption, and have kind of fallen into our laps. We know there is one… Continue reading baby hope….in more than one way
and the number is…
22. Higher than our first beta last time. That’s good! We’ll see what Thursday’s number holds. Possibly two babies…but probably just one good one. 🙂
here we go
off to the clinic. embryos three and four better be the ones….cause my butt is already protruding with nasty oil welts. Yes, I am permanently attached this go around to the heating pad. It is quite comical. I hate progesterone! 🙂 I am anxious to hear how the thaw went, and how many baby blasts… Continue reading here we go
with excitement! I am not nervous this go around. Just anxious and excited. I guess that is because I know what to expect. And if we didn’t have any hope, we wouldn’t be going forward. So I am just excited. What will be will be. We will take it as it comes. Hoping two little… Continue reading bursting…
round two, good to go
lining: 10.5 estrodial bumped to .4 ml. starting PIO shots and antibiotic today. February 6th is a go! Blastocysts thawed in the morning…transfered in the afternoon. Will thaw till we have two viable. Everything looks great!!!
the final step…egg transfer
August 31st 2012….the day we had two little embryos implanted! Unlike egg retrieval, this procedure is relatively short and painless. Of course, I do use the word relative because I did have an ice cold speculum (yes, they ice it first) inserted so that a catheter could be inserted up into my uterus. That is… Continue reading the final step…egg transfer
that darn root…jealousy
It happened today. I have been waiting for this moment, and it finally arrived. You know, that feeling of utter helplessness, as if time has stopped right in front of you while the world around you keeps swirling and twirling? And no matter how hard you try you cannot make it stop? I thought I might not feel… Continue reading that darn root…jealousy