Back in the hospital

We came into the hospital on Thursday with a headache and general icky feeling. Although there were some high blood pressure readings, they calmed down after some rest, and the OB triage doc sent us home. An appointment was already set for Friday morning and the doc said to just come back in the morning… Continue reading Back in the hospital

Categorized as pregnancy

More fun from Panaca Sabana

The Pig Show httpv:// Stubborn Girl httpv:// Pinwheels httpv://

quick update

Rach here! Okay, first of all, Adam forgot to remind everyone that the camera adds 20 pounds. I wish I could say it added 40! 🙂 Regardless, things have been crazy and I still don’t have time for a proper post. I just wanted to update everyone and say that we won’t have internet until… Continue reading quick update

Meet Juan Pablo, Daniel, Maria Daniela, and Esmeralda!

This is a one minute clip from our 2nd conference with the kids. The sound is horrible, but you can see them. After the first few seconds, they are singing a traditional schoolchildren’s song. They’re having a great time! We have a great time watching it over and over! We have one more video call… Continue reading Meet Juan Pablo, Daniel, Maria Daniela, and Esmeralda!

Colombia is Passion!

httpv:// What a cool place our kids are from! Thanks to Jim and Jaime’s blog for a link to this video. They are in Colombia right now, adopting 3 little ones. Lots of great stories and pictures on their blog.