I just looked up today and Hannah is nine months old. What?!? My oldest Colombian is turning fourteen this summer. Seriously??? I just became a mom six years ago. How is this all possible? I have cataloged so many posts in my mind since Hannah came home from the NICU in October. They are stored… Continue reading where did the year go?
Category: juan pablo
growing up juan p.
Posted this on the family blog. I was not sure which blog to post this on, which happens on rare occasion. I think I made the right choice, but wanted to make a note of it here for my blog book.
to our baby
775 This is the very first image I have impressed on my mind of you, little boy. Isn’t your grandma beautiful? The first thing you wanted to do on “gotcha day” was wear her sunglasses and be held by anyone who would hold you. You are five years old, but you surely don’t act like… Continue reading to our baby
…of lice and kids
Alright, already. đŸ™‚ Yes, we are still here. And yes, it is killing me that I have not been able to blog the past two weeks. There is so much to say, and so much to show. Adam’s laptop is now fixed, and he was finally able to load pictures to our server a couple… Continue reading …of lice and kids
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfojenYROyI We love you all and are doing great. This is just the first two minutes – we’ll post more when we have a better connection.
Meet Juan Pablo, Daniel, Maria Daniela, and Esmeralda!
This is a one minute clip from our 2nd conference with the kids. The sound is horrible, but you can see them. After the first few seconds, they are singing a traditional schoolchildren’s song. They’re having a great time! We have a great time watching it over and over! We have one more video call… Continue reading Meet Juan Pablo, Daniel, Maria Daniela, and Esmeralda!
dear juan pablo,
HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY JUAN PABLO!!!! Well little monkey, your name is the most ‘Latino’ sounding of the bunch, isn’t it? And let me tell you, we always here about it. I think all of your future family and friends have made mention of how crazy beautiful Juan Pablo McCracken sounds. And I must admit, it… Continue reading dear juan pablo,