where did the year go?

I just looked up today and Hannah is nine months old. What?!? My oldest Colombian is turning fourteen this summer. Seriously??? I just became a mom six years ago. How is this all possible? I have cataloged so many posts in my mind since Hannah came home from the NICU in October. They are stored… Continue reading where did the year go?

over a month now

It is actually approaching six weeks (on Friday) since we picked up the new kiddos. WOW! It kind of feels like business as usual around here now. The exhaustion and emotion subsided long ago. It’s really really good. Working with DFS has actually been really great (knock on wood). Our opinion seems to be respected.… Continue reading over a month now

day seven update

Our initial growing pains seem to be subsiding. Thank goodness. I haven’t cried since Monday…that’s a very good sign. I know we will have more in the future, but the new children are blending into our routines very well–better than expected, actually. Joey’s chore is to sweep under our table after each meal. He is… Continue reading day seven update

flashes of infertility

Two Christmases ago we were in Washington when I found out that I was pregnant, again. It ended up being my most painful and prolonged miscarriage for many reasons. A truly horrible experience. Heck, I am still paying it off because we were uninsured for a brief time. Flashing forward to this Christmas…we headed back… Continue reading flashes of infertility

all mine

When in public, I am usually asked if the children are “all mine?” I have learned that this question has many connotations–good and bad. I think the questioner most often means, ‘am I the biological mother?’ They are intrigued by the small gaggle of four brown children. Which, as my blogging friend, Wendi, just posted… Continue reading all mine