day seven–part two

782794 SHOE SHOPPING!!! I am not sure if you are supposed to take children out on the first day, but we did! As we walked back to the hotel from getting some lunch, Daniela kept complaining about her feet hurting. I checked her shoes and they were way too small. Ezzy also had some foot… Continue reading day seven–part two

back online– yay!

810Check this picture out. Me, mom, and the four kids all in the back of one of the taxis. Awesome!!! I’m pretty sure we’ll have a few meltdowns over the booster seats awaiting them in the minivan. 🙂 We figure that while we’re here the kids are pretty safe because we are packed in so tight–no… Continue reading back online– yay!

quick update

Rach here! Okay, first of all, Adam forgot to remind everyone that the camera adds 20 pounds. I wish I could say it added 40! 🙂 Regardless, things have been crazy and I still don’t have time for a proper post. I just wanted to update everyone and say that we won’t have internet until… Continue reading quick update