ivf…yes, we are.

So I was standing at the kitchen counter last night staring…staring…staring. Yes, staring at the packet of birth control pills wondering what the heck I was supposed to do with it. Seriously! Luckily, I have a sister or two very familiar with birth control. Being the fertile Mertyls that they are, they helped me match… Continue reading ivf…yes, we are.

refinement in progress

When Adam and I found ourselves traveling the topsy-turvy path of infertility, I quickly required myself to walk the path with grace. The infertile road is not for the faint of heart. If you are not watchful, it can quite literally swallow you whole. The infertile pathway, though, holds a giant opportunity for exquisite refinement.… Continue reading refinement in progress

Categorized as fertility

the proverbial they

“We decided to go with someone else.” is the dreaded phrase adoptive moms fear to hear (something bio moms never worry about). Adoptive Parent Translations: ‘You are not good enough for my baby.’ ‘You have too many children already, you don’t need another.’ ‘You are not exactly what we were looking for.’ WHAT?!? However you slice… Continue reading the proverbial they

flashes of infertility

Two Christmases ago we were in Washington when I found out that I was pregnant, again. It ended up being my most painful and prolonged miscarriage for many reasons. A truly horrible experience. Heck, I am still paying it off because we were uninsured for a brief time. Flashing forward to this Christmas…we headed back… Continue reading flashes of infertility

that darn root…jealousy

It happened today.  I have been waiting for this moment, and it finally arrived. You know, that feeling of utter helplessness, as if time has stopped right in front of you while the world around you keeps swirling and twirling? And no matter how hard you try you cannot make it stop? I thought I might not feel… Continue reading that darn root…jealousy

hitting my stride

The one year mark must be approaching. I feel so good about mothering these days. Even on a morning like this morning–Ezzy is crying in her room, Juan P. is cleaning up his drenched pull-ups and pajamas, and Danny is pranking his sisters at the breakfast table–I feel great! As the effects of survival mode slowly wear off, I find… Continue reading hitting my stride