going, going, gone…

419422Dozens of hours and hundreds of dollars in paperwork later, our Dossier is off to Colombia. Well, it’s actually on it’s way to Florida where our government application will be translated. So it should arrive in Bogota in a week or so. These pictures are in front of the Utah Capitol Building. We went down on Friday morning… Continue reading going, going, gone…

a shower of love

403 Yeah, this was pretty much me all day. Our adoption shower was the most amazing thing that has happened so far on this journey. It was a culmination of so many things for me…the shower I always thought would be for a newborn, a celebration of life with friends and family, and the support… Continue reading a shower of love

Cast a Wide Net

I can’t sleep. It’s 1:30 a.m and I have a morning appointment for adoption purposes…why can’t I sleep? This psych exam is the last major ‘check mark’ on our list. I lie awake thinking of adoption and fertility and all the people I personally know who are touched by it in some way. I have… Continue reading Cast a Wide Net

our final interview

62 Isn’t this home beautiful? This is where we’ve spent a lot of our time preparing for our adoption. It is the home of our social worker who is preparing our homestudy. He lives in Ogden so we’ve become quite familiar with getting around down there. Anyway, we had our last homestudy interview last week.… Continue reading our final interview

Who’s a Criminal?

My worst fear has been quashed. Adam really isn’t a felon. 🙂 [haha] Our BCI’s (background checks) cleared this week. YEAH!!! Finally, some good news around here. We didn’t think they would come in until February or March. That means we need to get our booties in gear and finish our portion of the homestudy. We’re… Continue reading Who’s a Criminal?