checking it all off

A big thank you to my sister and friends for rallying today. 1. Girls’ bedroom–check 2. Boys’ bedroom–check 3. Costumes–almost check…need to buy one costume 4. Boys’ clothes–check…realizing that I don’t have as many size XS as I thought Beds are made. Walls are decorated. Basics are purchased. And a gift for each nino. We… Continue reading checking it all off

halloween surprise

Our meeting went so well today that we actually got to meet the kids. Woohoo! We spent an hour with them and came away feeling so grateful that we will hopefully be the parents to three more amazing little spirits. The most surprising part…no transition! That’s right, we are bringing them home on Friday. Just another example… Continue reading halloween surprise

growing by three

Yep, that’s right. We received an official referral for the sibling group of three we have been waiting on. We will update here as the updates come. 2035 These ninos are ready to rock-and-roll. They are so excited to grow our family. 🙂 What we do know: 1. We have a Child Presentation Meeting next… Continue reading growing by three

growing up juan p.

Posted this on the family blog. I was not sure which blog to post this on, which happens on rare occasion. I think I made the right choice, but wanted to make a note of it here for my blog book.

ten more days

The TEN DAY countdown is on. A clarification to my adoption buddies: this is a referral out of the foster care system, here in Nevada. We are not completely sure of all the details…much like an international adoption referral. We will know much more after the HEART meeting on the 12th. If we are given the… Continue reading ten more days